Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #89 for the week April 6, April 12.


Summary of the April 12, 2009 meeting

johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:01 PM

Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09April12

johnc4510 began the meeting by asking tim_ to introduce himself: "I'm in Tucson, South East side. I'm new to irc, but not so new to ubuntu." Team members welcomed tim_ to the team.

johnc4510 then gave some announcements:

johnc4510 then started a discussion of the Jaunty release party planning:

johnc4510 brought the jaunty planning wiki page up to date from our last meeting. Look it over and make sure he got everything right please. Jaunty Planning: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/JauntyEvents . Some discussion was made as to an omission that he will correct, that the Release party will be preceded by an install fest at UAT in conjunction with PLUG. johnc45510 is going to inform TFUG and TCS via email this week. scot_ev has informed his AUSLUG contact, and the word will get out, there. He will also try to contact SLUG.

The discussion then turned to the Install Fest for Jaunty. johnc4510 felt that plans couldn't be made until he had information on the receipt of disks from ShipIt. kennymc0 felt that it could still be held with burned CDs or USBs of Jaunty. Then a later install fest could be run with the ShipIt CDs.

johnc4510 then asked for PLUG announcements from xHans.

johnc4510 then mentioned for future consideration: System76 will print fliers for free for member teams. http://knowledge76.com/index.php/76er_Program . We would have to have the template done in advance. It would save us having to expend our personal paper and ink to get it done. tyche mentioned that he'd heard about the plan, earlier, when we were working on the UWN. He'll take a look when he has some time, and let you know. [Ed. Note: The idea looks workable, and I couldn't detect any "gotchas" with it. This may be something we should consider.]

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM.


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