##Create new newsletter pages following the scheme above (That is, ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/YYMonthDD). Template is as follows (remove the comment marks, obviously): <> Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #44 for the week April 14, April 20. * Arizona Loco Newsletter * Forty Fourth Edition * Powered by Ubuntu * Wednesday-April 23, 2008 * Arizona Loco Team Wiki: [[ArizonaTeam]] * Next meeting: Sunday April 27, 2008 9:00PM * Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona == Newsletter == ## === Announcements === ## Johnc4510 to put his announcements here. === Summary of the April 20, 2008 meeting === johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:02 PM johnc4510 began with a few announcements: * The Release Candidate of Hardy is out now, and you can find all the info and download links here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2008-April/000110.html. Safe for all by the way. The Hardy Final should be out Thursday, sometime during that day. It's usually late afternoon or evening by the time it's up for downloads. * Another Ubuntu Open Week has been scheduled. Monday 28 April 2008 - Saturday 3 May 2008. Where: #ubuntu-classroom on Freenode Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek Ubuntu Open Week was a series of online workshops, where community members give talks on different areas of Ubuntu. i.e. servers, artwork, desktop, etc. Just about anything to do with any aspect of our distro. They have all kinds of talks on all kinds of ubuntu things, free. You can learn a lot. The schedule is on the link page. * You can now order your Hardy 8.04 CDs from shipit: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/. Shipit for hardy cd now open. It takes a while to get them, 6 to 8 weeks. You might as well order them now if i want any. You get a nice sleave and all, if you collect. * I set up the hardy wiki page for the team (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/HardyReleaseParties) and put us on the ubuntu party list (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseParties). Following those announcements, johnc4510 began talking about the upcoming Hardy Heron Release Party. johnc4510 listed a number of places where he has left fliers, such as coffee shops, library and Pima Community college. He encouraged other Team members to print off fliers and pass them out. This is the final week, and the push is on. kennymc0 has been trying to get some placed with De``Vry, and is trying to contact the LUG, there. He is also thinking about dropping some off at Peter Piper Pizza for people to pick up. johnc4510 had a little checklist for the party: 1. Extension cords 2. Power strips 3. Duct Tape (to secure cords to the floor, so people wouldn't trip over them) 4. Hardy Live CDs(intel386, amd 64 bit) 5. Laptops(with Hardy already install if possible) Only a couple of extension cords and power strips will be needed at the party. Even though this is a party, and not an install fest, some people may bring computers. The Hardy LiveCDs would be useful then, or given out at the end of the party. Laptops, of course, would be to demonstrate what Ubuntu Hardy Heron was like, and to link the Tucson and Phoenix parties by IRC. johnc4510 added that he would be sending out some case badges to be handed out at the party. Any left over could be handed out at the up-coming install fest. Another suggestion for the checklist was money for food. We want to give some business to the places we're going to, so, please buy food and drink. So please behave, and make sure tyche behaves. Further preparation for before the party, bookmarks for various resources: 1. Ubuntu.com - http://www.ubuntu.com/ 2. The Forums - http://ubuntuforums.org/ 3. Our Team Wiki Page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam 4. Our Team Forums Thread - http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=209 We want to be able to show folks what support and resources are available with Ubuntu and through us. Don't forget to have your IRC client open and connected to our team channel so we can chat back and forth between Phoenix and Tuscon, and show others how we stay in touch, and give support. There are some Team members that will be going to the Red``Seven Hardy Release Party in Mesa on Thursday, April 24th [ed. note: CORRECTION, Friday April 25, at 5:00 PM] as well as our own party on Sunday, April 27. Anyone coming to our party on Sunday is encouraged to bring significant others, friends and relatives. Ok, one more thing. Since the party is sunday, and our meetings are on sundays, next week, after the party, we will just be having an informal "pat yourselves on the back" thing during regular meeting time. We can discuss how things went, how we can improve, etc. Very casual and open. Remember fliers, check in this week. and be ready to *PARTY* Sunday. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM. == Credits == * [[CraigAEddy]] * [[Johnc4510]] ---- '''Parent pages:''' [[ArizonaTeam/Newsletters]] [[ArizonaTeam]] ---- CategoryArizonaTeam ##Note: When you are through and ready to email it to the team mailing list, make sure you take out all the instructions marked ##. Copy everything starting with: Welcome to... down through the credits and paste it in an email. Then send it to: ubuntu-us-az@lists.ubuntu.com