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Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter #05 (Week of May 23 to May 30, 2007)

Our wiki:

From the LoCo team leader:

We have a new thread on the forum for discussion of whether or not we need to change our meeting day from Sunday to another day. The thread is here: and I would encourage everyone to voice their opinion on whether they would like a change or not.

We have also done some editing to our main wiki page here: to bring it more in line with what is required for team approval. Our wiki pages are in good order now and I encourage all members to visit them regularly as changes seem to occur often.

From the IRC meeting of May 20, 2007:


Attendees were few and far between. Several new nicks could be spotted in the names list (e.g.: pepse, _NoX_, Serialman) but we could only acquire formal introductions from czc and jsonder. We welcome all of you and look forward to meeting you the next time around.


<johnc4510> Everyone should have gotten an email from me on the proposed goal of applying for team approval. I will have the plan ready by the next meeting and then we can decide to accept it or not.

He advises that this meeting will be very squarely focused on ironing out this goal (see agenda below). Your attendance will be greatly appreciated this coming Sunday!

<johnc4510> We have done some editing to the main wiki page [...] to help clarify and present a more professional looking page. br24 has also implemented a Spanish translation of this page, and we will be watching to see if we receive any feedback on this.

Good stuff. Your efforts do not go unappreciated, guys!

<johnc4510> This coming week, starting tomorrow, we are going to start using the ubuntu-us-az mailing list to send the Newsletter and other announcements. This means that if you haven't registered [...] you will not be receiving loco news and announcements.

You can register for the mailing list here:

But, if you're reading this from your inbox, you must have already registered. Big Grin :)


Membership: Due to razor-thin active attendance this weekend, we had nothing new to report in Membership. Wink ;)

Newsletter: You're reading the first rsthree-created newsletter, hot off the presses. johnc4510 officially turned over editorial duties to yours truly, and I hope to carry it sufficiently henceforth.

Web Design: Nothing new. See also: Membership.

Education: br24 is continuing his work with VMWare--updates are forthcoming. He suggests that you post your own ideas and suggestions here:

Server: DX00 was out of town, but has informed us via email that our virtualization options are being pored over and we'll know more upon his return.


Computer recycling: A lot of very excellent ideas were exchanged regarding the rehash and redistribution of older computers as a means of spreading Ubuntu. Chief among these ideas was hosting a class or seminar regarding the use of Ubuntu and its capabilities. Acquiring a bulk of computers for a giveaway remains somewhat of a barrier to implementing this idea, but yesteryear desktop computers and CRT monitors can be had via school auction for pocket change--as such, you may wish to take the initiative in acquiring a few recyclables of your own!

IRC statistics: ianmcorvidae reminded us all that we can view statistics at

For the next meeting:

Quoth the Ian: This meeting will be very easy. We're discussing our needs in terms of getting approved, and nothing more. Be there.

See you next week!

Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Newsletters ArizonaTeam


ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/07May22 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:18 by localhost)