
Revision 7 as of 2009-04-09 17:01:29

Clear message

The apturl is a graphical mini-program for installing packages from the repository that as user has. It is pre-installed on Ubuntu since version 7.10, and the Firefox and Pidgin programs come with support for it.

Single package

The basic syntax for an apt link is the following:

  • <a href="apt:package">click</a>

Where package is the package you'd like the user to install.

Multiple packages

To bundle several packages into one link, the syntax is the following:

  • <a href="apt:package1;apt:package2;apt:package3">click</a>

Where package1, package2 and package3 are the packages you'd like the user to install.

The man page uses commas:

  • apturl apt:pidgin,pidgin-plugin-pack

Installs Pidgin and Pidgin Plugin Pack (if the user confirms).

Enabling repositories

  • apturl apt:freevial?section=universe

Enables the "universe" component and installs package Freevial.

Some websites / wiki's tend to break apt links. A workaround for this is to make use of appnr.com for the linking - simply use http://appnr.com/install/package as the link URL, though appnr does not let you add repositories.

Another workaround is to use a service like TinyURL. This link enables the Universe repository and then installs Wine, for instance: http://tinyurl.com/installwine

AptURL uses

Appnr.com is a website that works entirely on apturl links.

Apturl links can also be very handy if your program is available in Ubuntu repositories. Providing one on your project website is a user-friendly way to have the user install your program and additionally takes the load off your servers.