
Revision 13 as of 2014-11-13 08:49:08

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About me

My name is Anthony Wong, Chinese name is 黃彥邦. I'm a GNU/Linux and open source software enthusiast. I joined Debian as DD in 1999, and have been working in the Linux industry for a long time. Now I'm working at Canonical and am responsible for hardware enablement in Ubuntu.

Packages in Debian and Ubuntu

  • Rifiuti2 - A MS Windows recycle bin analysis tool

  • ibus-cangjie - Cangjie and Quick input methods for IBus, mainly for Hong Kong and Taiwan people.

  • libcangjie2 - Cangjie input method library, which ibus-cangjie relies on.

  • python3-pycangjie - Python wrapper to libcangjie, as ibus-cangjie is written in Python and so needs a python library of libcangjie.

Ubuntu Work
