Adresse électronique : <adrien_cordonnier AT PASDEPOURRIELS yahoo DOT fr>

About me


The French Racketware workgroup is somehow similar to any Windows Refund Action. The main difference is it tries to have consumption laws applied on computer market as several French laws forbid explicitely to link the sale of hardware and software (but strangely enough, the government does not act) :

Kubuntu Review

I shifted from Mandriva to Kubuntu in June 2005. Mid September I tested Breezy. What I first enjoyed in Hoary was that it is nicely designed: cool default style and only great and usefull programs. The bad point was configuration, completely broken for network settings and not properly working for a lot of other things. This was mostly fixed in Breezy though the graphical interface had been less polished. Since then, both configuration and graphics have improved a lot. And I am waiting for a fully working release of KDE 4!


AdrienCordonnier (last edited 2008-08-06 16:18:09 by localhost)