
Revision 2 as of 2006-11-04 15:23:32

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About Me

Aaron Toponce (atoponce) is a long-time Ubuntu user and hacker. He is a member of the UtahTeam, active on IRC and semi-active on the forums. He first started Linux in '99 with Slackware, moved to RPM-based distros and settled down on Ubuntu when Warty was released.

Blog: [http://www.pthree.org] BR Email: aaron.toponce@gmail.com BR IRC: atoponce on irc.freenode.net BR Public key: [http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x8086060f&op=index 0x8086060F] BR

Significant Contributions

* Personally distributed 1,000 Ubuntu CDs since the release of Warty. * Maintain a regular Bittorrent seed of the latest Ubuntu iso's sharing ~3GB/month. * 300+ posts on the forums, and counting. * Active member of the UtahTeam.
