Contact Information Name

Rudy, 27 Location

Paris, France

Ubuntu LoCo team

Ubuntu-fr LaunchPad

cm-t Ubuntu-fr Forums Profile

cm-t Ask Ubuntu Profile

cm-t IRC

cm-t on XMPP

cm-t @ Email

cm-t @ Website

currently forzen April's nick

arudy reddit

/u/cm-t twitter

@gerancet Google Plus

cm-t Telegram

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About Me

Since 2005 (B.A.F.A.) I work for 9 years in children camp on holidays; I believe that gave me some experience in pedagogy, communication, social, mannagement, communication (adapt a talk the public, talk to a public, promote an activity organized in team). I code at work, I ubuntu, longboard, DotA, pubs and all on free time.

I am also know as cm-t, arudy, gerancet or simply as Rudy


I have a Master in 'software devlopement and project managment' (2012). When I have free time, I try to learn coding with the Ubuntu SDK (I have some idea of apps).


After being bored to "(re)format" often my PC, someone gave me a dvd… I started with mandriva then fedora as an occasionaly user. I discovered ubuntu with 8.04 and after a while I get being member of april (sort of a french FSF); this was the begining of my contribution in the freesoftware (starting with Ubuntu Party of karmic). I believe that Ubuntu is the best light to spread freesoftware to humans beings. I am member of the ubuntu-fr board since 2011.


Past, current

TL;DR: I've tryed to explain all the way I've contributed, but if there is one field where I contribute that represent my works, its advocating, especially on event but also online where I also share lastest news about ubuntu.

People I've meet in event as visitors sometimes see me the year after at the same event, come and tell me, "hey, you remember me? you explainned me about ubuntu, I've installed it now, done!, using it as main OS, even installed on my friend laptop". This 15.05 Ubuntu Party someone even told me he becomes volounteer because of my speech, he loved how I introduce ubuntu as a feesoftware and all its value. Some gems like that happend, but I can't fell better when it happend <3

Future, current Goals

Trying to make this page more structured, and more clean (grammer, typo, etc, sorry readders…)

I am a member of the French speaking LoCo team since 2011 and since 2013 I am part of the board. My goals for this membership are: Been more present on events, help to mannage the community and projects/events.

I want to help more in the preparation of ubuntu-party (sort of ubuntuCon) and other events such as our webcafé in musics festival, I want to developp an area with more technologic/convergence showcase (like ubuntu-tv, phone, tablet, and futur idea) and grow it to be an attractive area to capt a new public in our events or more "light/fun" in place like music festival.

In these event I want to help more than before our volunteers; to be more confortable to welcome visitors (visitors who are not especially friendly with term like "operating system", "freesoftware", "ubuntu", "internet VS google VS browser" ...)

I want Unity8 a success for Ubuntu, so I try to contribute to it by using it as my main mobile OS since June 2014, translate (lp) in french some click app/unity8, and report some bugs (lp) to help improving the quality. I hope this release will drop away issues with privacy (privacy is an issues in France, people are aware of it: on news papers/tv show everydays) and its effect on our community.

As I am more and more active on social networks and ubuntu related websites, I now think I should target to post on my personnal and/or ubuntu-fr 's blog (both to be created). I hope this will start before end of 2015 !

Je suis ce que je suis grâce à ce que nous sommes tous.


If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here :

~cm-t (last edited 2015-06-04 19:20:36 by nat75-2-78-193-84-171)