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Editor: cm-t
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Editor: cm-t
Comment: added telegram
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|| {{http://s15.postimg.org/lyi1583o7/favicon_ico.png}} Telegram|| [[https://telegram.me/arudy|arudy]] ||

Contact Information

https://launchpad.net/@@/person Name

Rudy, 27

https://launchpadlibrarian.net/162222666/ubuntu-lococouncil-icon.png Location

Paris, France

Ubuntu LoCo team


https://launchpad.net/favicon.ico LaunchPad


https://launchpad.net/@@/language Ubuntu-fr Forums Profile


http://cdn.sstatic.net/askubuntu/img/favicon.ico?v=a2e2fb1f0677 Ask Ubuntu Profile


https://launchpad.net/@@/language IRC

cm-t on irc.freenode.net

https://launchpad.net/@@/language XMPP

cm-t @ jabber.fr

https://launchpad.net/@@/mail Email

cm-t @ ubuntu-fr.org

http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/VLPMGamKPinu-z6u.png Website

currently forzen

http://www.april.org/sites/default/themes/zen_april/favicon.ico April's nick


http://www.redditstatic.com/favicon.ico reddit


https://abs.twimg.com/favicons/favicon.ico twitter


http://pestcontrolseo.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/googleplusfavicon.jpg Google Plus


http://s15.postimg.org/lyi1583o7/favicon_ico.png Telegram


About Me

Since 2005 (B.A.F.A.) I work for 9 years in children camp on holidays; I believe that gave me some experience in pedagogy, communication, social, mannagement, communication (adapt a talk the public, talk to a public, promote an activity organized in team). I code at work, I ubuntu, longboard, DotA, pubs and all on free time.

I am also know as cm-t, arudy, gerancet or simply as Rudy


I have a Master in 'software devlopement and project managment' (2012). When I have free time, I try to learn coding with the Ubuntu SDK (I have some idea of apps).


After being bored to "(re)format" often my PC, someone gave me a dvd… I started with mandriva then fedora as an occasionaly user. I discovered ubuntu with 8.04 and after a while I get being member of april; this was the begining of my contribution in the freesoftware (starting with Ubuntu Party of karmic). I believe that Ubuntu is the best light to spread freesoftware to humans beings. I am member of the ubuntu-fr board since 2011.


Past, current

  • A few corrections on the french documentation

  • Lecturer of the ubuntu-fr reapproval2012

  • co-writter of the ubuntu-fr /Application2014

  • Participation on ubuntu-fr forums

  • A project called ubuntour. It was supose to show fastly how the desktop is, and especially how the installation is easy (usefull to show online or in event). Work on this is stoped as I decided to work with ubuntu online tour instead. ( it was like that https://ubuntour.toile-libre.org)

  • Since the ubuntu online tour is up, I gave up with Ubuntour. Ubuntu Online Tour provide eveything Ubuntour was trying to provide. I think Ubuntu Online Tour is just missing a demo of ubiquity (installation of ubuntu, how it is very easy). I have started to improve it here but ubiquity is not yet implemented.

  • I try to make the work of our LoCo as reusable for others LoCo as possible. For example these robots we use for an ubuntu party I shared on http://spreadubuntu.org/fr/material/unusual/ubuntu-robots

  • I helped code on ubuntu-fr.org during the Blackout SOPA/PIPA (looks like at the one not yet removed on cm-t.org (but I added a konami code )

  • I try to participate on the "Premier Samedi Libre" each first satursday of the month (a monthly install party) but it is was hard in 2014 for me to be there (something like 2/12).

  • In my goal to animate our team I organize ubuntu hours in Paris (http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=652521). I try to do a minimum of 1 "hours" every 2 months. The last pause I organized at this time is happening "tonight", during my ubuntu member application: An ubuntu hour with a special theme: Ubuntu Member "what, why & how".

  • Participation of Ubuntu Party of Paris (~3k visitors) since Karmic (the first as visitor, then as installer, then as responsable of areas like 'try desktop', as unity/ubuntu classroom/workshop, as co-organizer of the party: http://todo.ubuntu-party.org/users/30 , and as ubuntu-tv/tablet showcase: Ubuntu TV G+, Some pics I took ). I lead the showcase area of Ubuntu Touch.

  • I have lead a project for the iso of ubuntu-fr: Dash-Privacy-Interface. After a meeting with the French CNIL it was designed to ensure that users privacy is respected by trying to modify the lesser the user experience. Some spreads echos before we released it ! We decided that Ubuntu is taking the good steps to not misslead the users with privacy, so we beleive we don't need at this moment the dash privacy interface since 13.10.

  • I join the jams we do in Paris (often lead by YoBoY). bug, l10n, ...

  • Since 2013 I joinned the team that animate a webcafé in festival like Vielles Charues (~40k visitors/day) and Papillons de Nuits (~20k visitors/day). I welcome people there, help them in the discovering of the desktop. Also, I give demo of Ubuntu (Touch) on phone or tablet and I put Ubuntu Circle of friend and Tux tattoos on those visitors who ask for it. For this 2015 Papillons de nuit edition, I will be the team leader of the webcafé (it's mainly about doing the paper things between the fesitval and the asso ubuntu-fr, and getting a full team of volunteer on the spot with all the thing we need). This time i want to take pictures, so we can add more on the webcafe blog and also to share more on social networks. Some picture of the last webcafé here.

  • On reddit:
  • On g+:
    • I am mainly active on g+ since end of 2014
    • I am very focused on ubuntu and ubuntu-fr there
    • If you scroll a bit, you will see pics and descriptions of the events I participed : https://plus.google.com/+cmtarudy/

  • On UDS/UOS
    • I try to follow/participate where I can
    • I have created/lead a session at the UOS1505 called "Le French UOS summary", where we tryed to summarize all the UOS in french. This does not target especially the dev core team of french speaking community, but should help a lot the enthousiastes, blogger, and others to get fresh "news" about ubuntu, in french. (I was in a similar session 2 years ago, I dont know why we didnt did it again yet, so I decided to re-launch it, to be continued!)

  • On launchpad :
  • School project :
    • 2012: Add Oneconf in Ubiquity: provide a user to login with his ubuntu one account while ubuntu is been installed and then choose a machine of him where he already installed ubuntu (and loged-in trhought the software center). Then he can choose to copy this machine, means it will re-install all the same package. Here is the launchpad project. I think the final code is not pushed, and I am not sure the oneconf service is still on (but it worked at the time of the exams, it helped me granting my master degree); I will not enought say thanks to didrocks and mpt from Canonical who provided me this specs project (the rule of this exam was simple: a company must provide your specs), I was able to pass exam on a platform I love !

Future, current Goals

Trying to make this page more structured, and more clean (grammer, typo, etc, sorry readders…)

I am a member of the French speaking LoCo team since 2011 and my goals for this membership are: Been more present on events, help to mannage the community and projects/events.

I want to help more in the preparation of ubuntu-party (sort of ubuntuCon) and other events such as our webcafé in musics festival, I want to developp an area with more technologic showcase (like ubuntu-tv, phone, tablet, and futur idea) and grow it to be an attractive area to capt a new public in our events or more "light/fun" in place like music festival.

In these event I want to help more than before our volunteers; to be more confortable to welcome visitors (visitors who are not especially friendly with term like "operating system", "freesoftware", "ubuntu", "internet VS google VS browser" ...)

  • provide tools to ubunteros that guide to popularize notion. For example : to be able to welcome people on own events, explain what is freesoftware and ubuntu in few second, not making the visitor leave but coming in, without looking especially commercial. To make it happend, I have some ideas : "tupperware meeting", "round table", and a website "bille" (tips) about how to popularize a technical subject in a talk, blog post, … to train ourself together by sharing experience and idea.

I want Unity8 a success for Ubuntu, so I try to contribute to it by using it as my main mobile OS since June 2014, translate (lp) in french some click app/unity8, and report some bugs (lp) to help improving the quality. I hope this release will drop away issues with privacy (privacy is an issues in France, people are aware of it: on news papers/tv show everydays)

As I am more and more active on social network and ubuntu related websites, I now want to post on my personnal and/or ubuntu-fr 's blog (both to be created). I hope this will start before end of 2015 !


If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here :

  • Contributeur depuis de nombreuses années ! Rapidement devenu indispensable aux Ubuntu party pour l'accueil des visiteurs et les démonstrations. Formidable organisateur de "pauses ubuntu" entre ubunteros à Paris. Très bon animateur des Webcafé Ubuntu dans les festivals de musique. Cm-t apporte beaucoup à Ubuntu-fr, ce n'est pas pour rien qu'il en est membre du Conseil d'administration depuis 2013 Smile :) ~olive

  • Très dynamique, très actif, très cordial, cm-t est investi dans l'association ubuntu-fr ~karum

  • YoBoY cm-t (don't forget the - Wink ;) is a great element of the French LoCoTeam. Always entoushiast for our events and actions, always following the last news and technologie on Ubuntu. He likes to communicate his enthusiasm with everyone and that's why he's in charge of the welcome team on our biggest event, the Ubuntu Party in Paris, to show off Ubuntu, Ubuntu TV in the past, and now the Ubuntu Phone. He participates also in lot of other events in France, and in the LoCoTeam Council.

  • (Rudy) CM-T is a friendly Ubuntu Community member, he personally got in contact with me to ask if I was attending the Ubuntu French meet-up which was amazing. Rudy is always eager to help out with problems, to which I always have a lot! I desperately owe him a beer as he works his socks off for this awesome community and I believe it's well deserved! Smile :) Daniel McGuire

  • cm-t does a great job in the French LoCo. You can find him on Ubuntu Pause Paris that he organises, always here with great demo (as Ubuntu TV, ubuntuphone...) during Ubuntu Party Paris, and here to welcome people during Webcafe on music festival. He is a member of our LoCo Council as well. -Winael-

  • I never met cm-t personally (unfortunately) but I can tell he's very friendly and helpful online. He helped me with testing apps for Ubuntu phone, he encouraged me to add translation support to the apps, and he even translated them to French! He's very active popularising Ubuntu, always with open and friendly attitude. I would say Ubuntu is a huge part of his life. TBH I'm surprised he wasn't Ubuntu Member already Wink ;) I hope it'll be fixed soon Smile :) [Michal Predotka]

~cm-t (last edited 2015-06-04 19:20:36 by nat75-2-78-193-84-171)